1.1 | Rucker, Rudy B. | The Fourth Dimension Toward a Geometry of a Higher Reality |
Houghton Mifflin |
1984 | ISBN 0-395-34420-4 | ||
1.2 | Rucker, R.B. | Geometry, Relativity and the 4th Dimension | Dover Publications |
1977 | ISBN 0-486-23400-2 | N.Y, N.Y | |
1.3 | Hinton, Charles H. Rucker, R.B. |
Speculations on the 4th Dimension | Dover Publications |
1980 | ISBN 0-486-23916-0 | N.Y., N.Y. | |
1.4 | Ohanian, Hans Ruffini, Remo |
Gravitation and SpaceTime (2nd Ed.) | Norton & Co. |
1976,1994 | ISBN 0-393-96501-5 | N.Y.,N.Y. | |
1.5 | Whitrow, G.J. | The Structure & Evolution of the Universe | Harper Torchbooks |
1959 | |||
1.6 | Whitrow, G.J | What is Time? (deSitter Space) | Thames & Hudson |
1972 | ISBN 0-500-01085-4 | London | |
1.7 | Whitrow, G.J. | The Natural Philosophy of Time | Clarendon Press |
1980 | ISBN 0-19-858212-9 | Oxford | |
1.8 | Appelquist, Thomas | Modern-Kaluza-Klein Theories | Addison Wesley |
1987 | ISBN 0-201-09829-6 | ||
1.9 | Zuckerkandl, Victor | Sound and Symbol: Music and the External World |
Trans. Willard R. Trask |
1956 | New York, NY Princeton, NJ |
2.1 | Synge, J.L. | Quaternions, Lorentz Transformations, and the Conway-Dirac-Eddington Matrices | Dublin Institute for Advance Studies |
1972 | |||
2.2 | Pearl, E.R. | Representations of the Lorentz Group and Perspective Geometry | Mathematisch Centrum Amsterdam |
1969 | |||
2.3 | Carmeli, Moshe | Group Theory and General Relativity representations of the Lorentz Group and their applications to the Gravitational Field | McGraw-Hill |
1977 | Great Britain | ||
2.4 | O'Neill, Barrett | Elementary Differential Geometry | Academic Press |
1966 | London | ||
2.5 | Belinfante, F.J | A Survey of Hidden-Variable Theories | Pergamnon Press |
1973 | ISBN 0-08-017032-3 | Oxford | |
3.1 | Matts Roos | Introduction to Cosmology | Wiley & Sons |
1994,97 | ISBN 0-471-97383-1 | NY,NY | |
3.2 | Marion & Thornton | Classical Dynamics of Particles & Systems | Harcourt College Publications |
1995 | ISBN 0-03-097302-3 | Sand Diego | |
3.3 | Griffiths, David J. | Introduction to Electrodynamics | Prentice Hall |
1981,99 | ISBN 0-13-805326-X | New Jersey | |
3.3.1 | pg 522 | Section 12.3.1 - Magnetism as a Relativistic Phenomenon | Reprint |
3.4 | Krane, Kenneth | Modern Physics | Wiley & Sons |
1996 | ISBN 0-471-82887-6 | NY,NY | |
3.4.1 | pg 450 | Table 14.1 - The Four Basic Forces | |
3.4.2 | pg 223 | Section 7.5- Intrinsic Spin | |
3.5 | Liboff, R.L | Introductory Quantum Mechanics | Addison-Wesley |
1998 | ISBN 0-201-87879-8 | NY,NY | |
3.5.1 | pg 369 | Section 9.1 - Basic Properties / Orbital Versus Spin Angular Momentum | |
3.5.1 | pg 527 | Section 11.6 - The Pauli Spin Matrices | |
3.5.3 | pg 534 | Section 11.8 - The Magnetic Moment of an Electron | |
3.6 | Coughlan & Dodd | The Ideas of Particle Physics | Cambridge University Press |
1984,94 | ISBN 0-521-38672-2 | ||
3.7 | Greene, Brian | The Elegant Universe | Norton & Co |
1999 | ISBN 0-393-04688-5 | NY,NY | |
3.8 | Wesson, P.S | Space - Time -Matter Modern Kaluza-Klein Theory |
World Scientific |
1999 | ISBN 981-02-3588-7 | New Jersey | |
3.9 | Feynman, R.P. | The Feynman Lectures on Physics | Addison-Weseley |
1963,64,65 | ISBN 0-201-02116-1-P,-02117-X-P,-02118-8-P | New Jersey | |
3.9.1 | pg 3. | Vol III, Section | |
3.10 | Feynman, R.P. | Quantumelectrodynamics (QED) | Princeton U. Press |
1985 | ISBN 0-691-02417-0 | New Jersey | |
3.11 | Feynman, R.P. | QED in New Zealand (Vols 1-4) The '79 Sir Douglas Robb Lecture Videos |
Scientific Consulting Services |
1979 | ISBN 1-58490-021-0 | Cal Tech | |
3.12 | Pathria, R.K. | Statistical Mechanics | Pergamon Press |
1972 | LoCCC No. 73-181690 | Oxford, UK | |
3.12.1 | pg 134 | Fig 5.1 - Statistical Potential | |
3.13 | Huang, Kerson | Statistical Mechanics | John Wiley & Sons |
1963 | UCI QC 175 H8 | New York, USA | |
3.13.1 | pg 217 | Fig 10.3 - Statistical Potential | |
4.1 | Foley & vanDam | Computer Graphics - Principles and Practice | Addison-Weseley |
1987,90 | ISBN 0-201-12110-7 | NY,NY | |
4.2 | Savitch, W. | JAVA - An Introduction | Prentice Hall |
1999 | ISBN 0-13-287426-1 | New Jersey | |
4.3 | Schildt, H. | Java 2 - The Complete Reference | McGraw-Hill |
2001 | ISBN 0-07-213084-9 | Berkeley | |
4.5 | Bhangal,Farr & Rey | Foundation Flash 5 | Friends of Ed |
2000 | ISBN 1-903450-31-4 | Birmingham,UK | |
5.1 | Einstein, Albert | Relativity, the special and general theory. | Pi Press |
2005 | ISNB: 0-13-186261-8 | NY | |
CAD - "Computer Aided Design". A CAD software package is used to view and edit 2D representations of 3D objects. 3D objects are projected into 2D representation via various 3D to 2D transforms as selected by the operator. The most common transforms include Orthogonal, Perspective, and Isometric views, among others.
EMF and Gravity - Electro Motive Force, the force due to electrical potential, and Gravity, the force due to a gravity potential are both forces that obey identical laws, except for their respective scales and 'charge'. EMF has two different charges, and gravity has only one charge. Why are these forces different?
Galileian System of Coordinates - A system of coordinates of which the state of motion is such that the law of inertia holds relative to it.[5.1]
GUT's - Grand Unified Theory.
The Hierarchy Problem - The difference in the scale or strength of the forces of nature, specifically between Gravity and the other 3 forces (Strong, EMF, and Weak). More here.
Intrinsic Spin - If the Magnetic Moment of electrons was due to their physical rotation, then they must rotate faster than the speed of light. Since we know this is impossible, our theories must include an explanation for the spin of the electron. Contemporary QM explains the electron's spin as an intrinsic property of the particle: i.e. - God made it that way.
Intuitive Grasp - The understanding of a concept or operation such that cognitive thought is not necessary to manipulate the concept (or its symbol). The concept itself becomes internalized as a fundamental principle. [LUT processing?] Like walking or talking in your native language.
LUT Processing - Look Up Table Processing. It has been suggested that intuitive understanding comes from personal LUT created in memory by experience. Thus we understand how to hit a baseball with a bat because we remember hitting many baseballs, and can interpolate between prior similar pitches to extrapolate when and how to swing the bat. Practice-practice-practice.
The Missing Mass - In order for galaxies to rotate at the speed that astronomers observe, they need to be composed of 10 times as much mass as we can see. Sometimes referred to as Dark Matter since it does not shine like the star(s) we know. More here
Particles vs. Waves,
QM - Quantum Mechanics,
TOE's - Theory Of Everything.
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Provide eMail link (no address - ask for it)
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Additional 4D Viewer Features:
1) Standardize Rotation Code (done)
2) Label selected vertices (done)
3) Automated Rotations (done)
4) 3D cross sections. (begun)
5) WxX projection along Y axis.(begun)
6) Other 4D objects.(begun)
7) Use Dithering for probability.
8) Use shading for the W axis.
9) Hook 'amplitude' to the W axis.
10) Use alternate metrics for W,
e.g. - Cylindrical, Hyperbolic, Spherical, Elliptical,
as well as Infinite.
11) Try 4D & 5D rotations (intrinsic spin interpretation)
12) Interpret W as Time (Create animations of 3D sections along W axis)
13) Add Time axis (1+4D & 1+5D)